Location: Pee Dee WWTP - 1700 East Main Street, Dillon, SC 29536
Water Leaks, Water Complaints, Wastewater Leaks/Overflows, Wastewater Complaints: (843) 774-0047
The City of Dillon Water & Wastewater Department maintains the daily operation & maintenance of the distribution system, the water treatment system (4 water plants), the wastewater collection system, the wastewater treatment system (2 plants including an 1100acre spray field), the pretreatment system, and 3 SCDHEC certified laboratories. The City of Dillon currently serves a population of 7,605 customers. 16 employees contribute to the daily operation and maintenance of the Water and Wastewater System. The Water and Wastewater Superintendent oversees the daily operation and maintenance of each division.